Literatura zagraniczna

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Attali Jaques. 1985. Noise: The Political Economy of Music, Minneapolis/London: University of Minessota Press.

Blacking John. 1973. How Musical is the Man?, Seattle/London: University of Washington Press.

Bourdieu Pierre. 1993. Music Lovers: Origin and Evolution of the Spiecies, w: Sociology in Questions, London: SAGE Publications, s. 103-107.

DeNora Tia. 2000. Music in Everyday Life, New York: Cambridge University Press.

DeNora Tia. 1997. Bethoven and the Construction of Genius. Musical Politics in Vienna (1792-1803), London: University of California Press.

Eyerman Ron, Jamieson Andrew. 1998. Music and social movements. Mobilizing traditions in twentieth century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Faulkner Robert R. 1971. Hollywood Studio Musicians: Their Work and Careers in the Recording Industry, Routledge

Firth Simon. 1978. The Sociology of Rock, Constable.

Hennion Antoine. 1993. La Passion musicale. Une sociologie de la médiation, Paris: Métailié.

Martin Peter. 1995. Sounds and society. Themes in the sociology of music, Manchester University Press: Manchester/New York.

Martorella Rosanne. 1982. The Sociology of Opera, Praeger Publishers: New York

McClary Susan. 1991. Feminine Endings, Minnespolis: University of Minessota Press.

Music and Society: The Politics of Composition, Performance and Reception. 1987. Richard Leppert and Susan McClary (red.) Cambridge.
Brown Steven, Wallin Nils L., Merker Björn. 2000. The Origins of Music, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Peterson Richard A. 1997. Creating Country Music: Fabricating Authenticity, Chicago: University Of Chicago Press.

Salmen Walter. 1983. The Social Status of the Professional Musician from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century, New York: Pendragon

Schafer R. Murray. 1977. The Tuning of the World, Random House Inc.: Toronto/New York.

Shepherd John. 1991. Music as Social Text, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wagner Izabela. 2015. Producing Excellence The Making of Virtuosos, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press

Weber Max. 1921. Die rationalen und soziologischen grundlagen der musik,Tübingen: Mohr

Weber William. 1975. Music and the middle class. The social structure of concert life in London, Paris and Vienna between 1830 and 1848, London: Ashgate.

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